98 research outputs found

    Valeurs de références photogrammétriques faciales angulaires et esthétiques du jeune adulte bantu congolais de Kinshasa en normocclusion dentaire: Angular and esthetic facial photogrammetric peculiarities in young Bantu Congolese adults with dental normocclusion in Kinshasa

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    Context and objective. The relevance of facial morphometric reference values is pivotal in the diagnosis and therapeutic approach in orthodontic practice. Ethnic disparities are not yet established in our country. This pilot study aimed to describe the facial morphological angular peculiarities and those related to the aesthetic analyzes of the cutaneous profile of the young adult congolese Bantu with dental normocclusion. Methods. A cross-sectional study enrolled 156 young Congolese adults (males, 54.4%), with a mean age of 24.6 (range 18-30 years), randomly selected among Dental medicine students having complete permanent dentition and molar Class I dental occlusion. Collected data included the angles of the face and aesthetic analyzes. Standardized lateral photographic images were were considered for photogrammetric measurements. Student t test allowed statistical analysis. Results. Sexual dimorphism was observed in 10; out of 17 assessed variables. A relatively important method error was observed for the nasolabial and labio-mental angles. Two areas of fluctuation of mean values related to the sex were established in the form of polygons, providing orthodontic practitioners with an opportunity allowing quantification and localization of dysmorphoses. Conclusion. The current study relaying on photogrammetric data of the face highlights morphological facial angular and aesthetic peculiarities in young adult Congolese Bantu related to sexual dimorphism. Lateral photographs stand thus as a relevant alternative tool in the assessement of reference values of the Congolese subject's facial skin profile for diagnosis and therapeutic purposes.  Contexte et objectif. En pratique orthodontique, les valeurs morpho-métriques de références de la face sont essentielles dans le diagnostic et la prise en charge thérapeutique des populations. Ces valeurs montrant une variabilité ethnique ne sont pas encore connues dans notre pays. La présente étude avait pour objectif de décrire les particularités morphologiques angulaires de la face et celles relatives aux analyses esthétiques du profil cutané du jeune adulte bantu congolais en normocclusion dentaire. Méthodes. Dans une étude descriptive transversale, des jeunes adultes bantus congolais sélectionnés aléatoirement parmi les étudiants de Médecine dentaire ayant une denture permanente complète et en occlusion dentaire de classe I molaire ont été examinés. Les paramètres d’intérêt comprenaient les données angulaires de la face et esthétiques. Des images photographiques latérales standardisées, ainsi que des mensurations photogrammétriques ont été réalisées. Le test de student a été utilisé pour les analyses statistiques selon le cas. Résultats. 156 étudiants ont été enrolés. Leur age moyen était de 24,5 ans (hommes 54,4%). Un dimorphisme sexuel a été observé dans dix des dix-sept variables évaluées. Une erreur de la méthode relativement importante a été observée pour les angles naso-labial (Pr-Sn-Ls) et labio-mentonnier (Li-Sm-Pog). Deux aires de fluctuation des valeurs moyennes suivant le sexe, sous forme de polygones, ont été proposées aux praticiens orthodontiques et pourront permettre de quantifier et localiser les dysmorphoses. Conclusion. La présente étude utilisant les données photogrammétriques du visage a illustré des particularités morphologiques faciales angulaires et esthétiques chez le jeune adulte bantu congolais liées au dimorphisme sexuel. Ainsi, les photographies latérales peuvent être une alternative fiable pour la détermination des valeurs normatives du profil cutané facial du sujet congolais et servir de référence pour la démarche diagnostique et thérapeutique

    Carbon and arsenic metabolism in Thiomonas strains: differences revealed diverse adaptation processes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Thiomonas </it>strains are ubiquitous in arsenic-contaminated environments. Differences between <it>Thiomonas </it>strains in the way they have adapted and respond to arsenic have never been studied in detail. For this purpose, five <it>Thiomonas </it>strains, that are interesting in terms of arsenic metabolism were selected: <it>T. arsenivorans</it>, <it>Thiomonas </it>spp. WJ68 and 3As are able to oxidise As(III), while <it>Thiomonas </it>sp. Ynys1 and <it>T. perometabolis </it>are not. Moreover, <it>T. arsenivorans </it>and 3As present interesting physiological traits, in particular that these strains are able to use As(III) as an electron donor.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The metabolism of carbon and arsenic was compared in the five <it>Thiomonas </it>strains belonging to two distinct phylogenetic groups. Greater physiological differences were found between these strains than might have been suggested by 16S rRNA/<it>rpoA </it>gene phylogeny, especially regarding arsenic metabolism. Physiologically, <it>T. perometabolis </it>and Ynys1 were unable to oxidise As(III) and were less arsenic-resistant than the other strains. Genetically, they appeared to lack the <it>aox </it>arsenic-oxidising genes and carried only a single <it>ars </it>arsenic resistance operon. <it>Thiomonas arsenivorans </it>belonged to a distinct phylogenetic group and increased its autotrophic metabolism when arsenic concentration increased. Differential proteomic analysis revealed that in <it>T. arsenivorans</it>, the <it>rbc</it>/<it>cbb </it>genes involved in the assimilation of inorganic carbon were induced in the presence of arsenic, whereas these genes were repressed in <it>Thiomonas </it>sp. 3As.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Taken together, these results show that these closely related bacteria differ substantially in their response to arsenic, amongst other factors, and suggest different relationships between carbon assimilation and arsenic metabolism.</p

    Temporal transcriptomic response during arsenic stress in Herminiimonas arsenicoxydans

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    Background: Arsenic is present in numerous ecosystems and microorganisms have developed various mechanisms to live in such hostile environments. Herminiimonas arsenicoxydans, a bacterium isolated from arsenic contaminated sludge, has acquired remarkable capabilities to cope with arsenic. In particular our previous studies have suggested the existence of a temporal induction of arsenite oxidase, a key enzyme in arsenic metabolism, in the presence of As(III). Results: Microarrays were designed to compare gene transcription profiles under a temporal As(III) exposure. Transcriptome kinetic analysis demonstrated the existence of two phases in arsenic response. The expression of approximatively 14% of the whole genome was significantly affected by an As(III) early stress and 4% by an As(III) late exposure. The early response was characterized by arsenic resistance, oxidative stress, chaperone synthesis and sulfur metabolism. The late response was characterized by arsenic metabolism and associated mechanisms such as phosphate transport and motility. The major metabolic changes were confirmed by chemical, transcriptional, physiological and biochemical experiments. These early and late responses were defined as general stress response and specific response to As(III), respectively. Conclusion: Gene expression patterns suggest that the exposure to As(III) induces an acute response to rapidly minimize the immediate effects of As(III). Upon a longer arsenic exposure, a broad metabolic response was induced. These data allowed to propose for the first time a kinetic model of the As(III) response in bacteria

    Colloquium: Mechanical formalisms for tissue dynamics

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    The understanding of morphogenesis in living organisms has been renewed by tremendous progressin experimental techniques that provide access to cell-scale, quantitative information both on theshapes of cells within tissues and on the genes being expressed. This information suggests that ourunderstanding of the respective contributions of gene expression and mechanics, and of their crucialentanglement, will soon leap forward. Biomechanics increasingly benefits from models, which assistthe design and interpretation of experiments, point out the main ingredients and assumptions, andultimately lead to predictions. The newly accessible local information thus calls for a reflectionon how to select suitable classes of mechanical models. We review both mechanical ingredientssuggested by the current knowledge of tissue behaviour, and modelling methods that can helpgenerate a rheological diagram or a constitutive equation. We distinguish cell scale ("intra-cell")and tissue scale ("inter-cell") contributions. We recall the mathematical framework developpedfor continuum materials and explain how to transform a constitutive equation into a set of partialdifferential equations amenable to numerical resolution. We show that when plastic behaviour isrelevant, the dissipation function formalism appears appropriate to generate constitutive equations;its variational nature facilitates numerical implementation, and we discuss adaptations needed in thecase of large deformations. The present article gathers theoretical methods that can readily enhancethe significance of the data to be extracted from recent or future high throughput biomechanicalexperiments.Comment: 33 pages, 20 figures. This version (26 Sept. 2015) contains a few corrections to the published version, all in Appendix D.2 devoted to large deformation

    Subinhibitory Arsenite Concentrations Lead to Population Dispersal in Thiomonas sp.

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    Biofilms represent the most common microbial lifestyle, allowing the survival of microbial populations exposed to harsh environmental conditions. Here, we show that the biofilm development of a bacterial species belonging to the Thiomonas genus, frequently found in arsenic polluted sites and playing a key role in arsenic natural remediation, is markedly modified when exposed to subinhibitory doses of this toxic element. Indeed, arsenite [As(III)] exposure led to a considerable impact on biofilm maturation by strongly increasing the extracellular matrix synthesis and by promoting significant cell death and lysis within microcolonies. These events were followed by the development of complex 3D-biofilm structures and subsequently by the dispersal of remobilized cells observed inside the previously formed hollow voids. Our results demonstrate that this biofilm community responds to arsenite stress in a multimodal way, enhancing both survival and dispersal. Addressing this complex bacterial response to As(III) stress, which might be used by other microorganisms under various adverse conditions, may be essential to understand how Thiomonas strains persist in extreme environments

    Genome Sequence of Halomonas sp. Strain A3H3, Isolated from Arsenic-Rich Marine Sediments

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    We report the genome sequence of Halomonas sp. strain A3H3, a bacterium with a high tolerance to arsenite, isolated from multicontaminated sediments of the l'Estaque harbor in Marseille, France. The genome is composed of a 5,489,893-bp chromosome and a 157,085-bp plasmid

    A Tale of Two Oxidation States: Bacterial Colonization of Arsenic-Rich Environments

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    Microbial biotransformations have a major impact on contamination by toxic elements, which threatens public health in developing and industrial countries. Finding a means of preserving natural environments—including ground and surface waters—from arsenic constitutes a major challenge facing modern society. Although this metalloid is ubiquitous on Earth, thus far no bacterium thriving in arsenic-contaminated environments has been fully characterized. In-depth exploration of the genome of the β-proteobacterium Herminiimonas arsenicoxydans with regard to physiology, genetics, and proteomics, revealed that it possesses heretofore unsuspected mechanisms for coping with arsenic. Aside from multiple biochemical processes such as arsenic oxidation, reduction, and efflux, H. arsenicoxydans also exhibits positive chemotaxis and motility towards arsenic and metalloid scavenging by exopolysaccharides. These observations demonstrate the existence of a novel strategy to efficiently colonize arsenic-rich environments, which extends beyond oxidoreduction reactions. Such a microbial mechanism of detoxification, which is possibly exploitable for bioremediation applications of contaminated sites, may have played a crucial role in the occupation of ancient ecological niches on earth

    Serum-Nutrient Starvation Induces Cell Death Mediated by Bax and Puma That Is Counteracted by p21 and Unmasked by Bcl-xL Inhibition

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    The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 (p21WAF1/Cip1) is a multifunctional protein known to promote cell cycle arrest and survival in response to p53-dependent and p53 independent stimuli. We herein investigated whether and how it might contribute to the survival of cancer cells that are in low-nutrient conditions during tumour growth, by culturing isogenic human colorectal cancer cell lines (HCT116) and breast cancer cell lines in a medium deprived in amino acids and serum. We show that such starvation enhances, independently from p53, the expression of p21 and that of the pro-apoptotic BH3-only protein Puma. Under these conditions, p21 prevents Puma and its downstream effector Bax from triggering the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. This anti-apoptotic effect is exerted from the cytosol but it is unrelated to the ability of p21 to interfere with the effector caspase 3. The survival function of p21 is, however, overcome by RNA interference mediated Bcl-xL depletion, or by the pharmacological inhibitor ABT-737. Thus, an insufficient supply in nutrients may not have an overt effect on cancer cell viability due to p21 induction, but it primes these cells to die, and sensitizes them to the deleterious effects of Bcl-xL inhibitors regardless of their p53 status